Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 has been released! What are the requirements and impact of it?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 was released by W3C on October 5th, 2023. 这意味着现在组织需要根据最新的WCAG 2更新其数字属性.2 standards if already comply with WCAG 2.1.

WCAG 2.2涵盖了更广泛的网络内容可访问性领域,以便更广泛的残疾人能够接触到可用的数字内容. 新指南不仅针对所有类型的残疾,还针对包括台式机在内的不同设备上的网页内容可访问性, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets.

The updated WCAG 2.标准是作为可测试的语句编写的,不是特定于技术的,关于成功标准解释的一般信息在单独的文档中给出. Please note here that WCAG 2.2 certainly covers a vast array of accessibility issues, it does not cater to every need of disabled users.

What changes does WCAG 2.2 contain?

W3C developed the latest WCAG 2.通过从个人和组织中获取反馈的详细过程来制定2个标准. The standards are made to meet the needs of individuals, organizations, and governments to address international audiences. Thereby WCAG 2.2 builds on WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 taking future technologies into account. 它们也可以通过自动化和人工测试方法的组合进行测试.

While developing this version, W3C encountered some noticeable challenges on cognitive, learning, and language disabilities. 改进工作仍在进行中,即将发布的WCAG版本将会在这些方面进行修改.

WCAG 2.2 focuses on essential web accessibility components, user agents' accessibility guidelines, and authoring tool accessibility guidelines.

  • Essential components of web accessibility

    完整的网站可访问性取决于各种元素/组件,这些组件的一些特定更改可以显著提高可访问性. 内容、网页浏览器、辅助技术、评估工具等. all impact a website’s accessibility. Web开发人员使用不同的工具创建Web内容,用户通过浏览器浏览内容, media players, and assistive technology. Thus, no component can be left inaccessible.

    Also, all components work as an entity. If a component has poor accessibility support, 一些其他组件可以贡献更多,以弥补网站的可访问性. For instance, if the authoring tool does not create accessible content, 开发人员可以更多地直接编码标记,或者用户可以使用不同的浏览器来克服可访问性问题.

    Read more on this.

  • User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Overview

    UAAG documents are about making browsers, browser extensions, media players, 其他应用程序也可以访问,因为它们为用户呈现网页内容. UAAG 2.将有助于改善可访问性并使残疾用户受益.

    Primarily developers will use UAAG 2.0 to improve accessibility of browsers and other components. Know more about it standards and supporting documents.

  • Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Overview

    Software and services that are used by authors (developers, designers, and writers) to create content are known as authoring tools. ATAG描述了如何使创作工具本身可访问,并使用它们为目标受众创建更易于访问的web内容.

    ATAG是可访问性指南系列的一部分,其中包括WCAG和UAAG. W3C鼓励使用ATAG在您的网站中包含所有最新的改进.

    Details on ATAG.

How WCAG 2.2 is different from its predecessor WCAG 2.1?

The goal behind improving WCAG 2.1 and creating WCAG 2.二是改善对三大残障用户群体的无障碍指导:

  • Users with cognitive disabilities.
  • Users with low vision.
  • Users with disabilities using Mobile devices.

为满足这些使用者的需要,现正采用第二期工作谘询小组的结构要求.0. Though WCAG 2.2 has more clarity and impact on accessibility, 工作组强调,这些准则并不能满足所有用户的需要.

The latest WCAG 2.2 version is built on WCAG 2.1,因此它是向后兼容的,这意味着网页符合WCAG 2.2 are at least accessible and fulfil WCAG 2.1 requirements.

Success Criterion 4.1.1 Parsing has been removed from WCAG 2.2. Authors need to know this while updating the content to WCAG 2.2 because they may need to continue to test and report 4.1.1 if they are required by policy to conform with WCAG 2.0 or 2.1.

New features or success criteria added in WCAG 2.2 are:

  • 2.4.11 Focus not obscured (Minimum) (AA)
  • 2.4.12 Focus not obscured (Enhanced) (AAA)
  • 2.4.13 Focus Appearance (AAA)
  • 2.5.7 Dragging Movements (AA)
  • 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) (AA)
  • 3.2.6 Consistent Help (A)
  • 3.3.7 Redundant Entry (A)
  • 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum) (AA)
  • 3.3.9 Accessible Authentication (Enhanced) (AAA)

WCAG 2.2在安全和隐私方面也有详细的规范.

What are the requirements of WCAG 2.2?

  • All new success criteria from WCAG 2.2 continue to support additional use cases of WCAG 2.1

    As mentioned above, WCAG 2.2 is built on WCAG 2.这就是为什么它提供了额外的标准来解决WCAG 2的用例内容可访问性.1以及对小型/触摸屏用户的支持的更多改进, along with low-vision, cognitive, language, and learning impairments users.

  • WCAG 2.0 conformance model is utilized to apply updated 2.2 standards.

    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0需求文件有关于一致性的详细信息,这是满足WCAG 2所必需的.x releases. Also, WCAG 2.x版本应该提供一致性细节,以显示新标准和现有WCAG 2之间的关系.0 conformance. Therefore, WCAG 2.2 should declare that a page conforms to WCAG 2.1 as a minimum requirement and all other future WCAG 2.X规范必须符合其直接前身作为基础.

  • Utilize the WCAG 2.0 A/AA/AAA model.

    The newly added success criteria in WCAG 2.指定自WCAG 2以来期望遵循的一致性级别,如A/AA/AAA.2 uses the WCAG 2.0 A/AA/AAA model. You should know that if a web page conforms to WCAG 2.2 at a certain level, the page is expected to conform to WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 at a similar or higher level.

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WCAG 2.2 certainly brings impactful changes to websites/applications!

The latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 .改善残疾人的数字环境. 对网页内容、隐私、安全、辅助技术使用等方面的影响. will be seen for every sort of disability.

Moreover, the WCAG 2.2 .文档与所有技术要求和支持文档进行了适当的整理. Check the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) overview to learn about the supporting materials and resources of WCAG 2.2.

Also, note that authors do not need to claim WCAG 2.2 .符合性,他们可以符合最新的标准而无需索赔. However, 如果他们声称符合要求,那么他们必须包括一个完整的信息列表,包括索赔的日期, conformance level, guidelines title, etc.

Read the official document to know in-depth details of WCAG 2.2 and begin updating your web pages.

Skynet Technologies is a proud W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and 国际无障碍专业人士协会(IAAP)会员 这有助于成为全球无障碍社区的一部分,并保持最新的合规指导方针.

We offer full-service website accessibility remediation solutions,包括设计、审核、咨询、补救、维护、支持和持续监控. 我们的目标是让所有人都可以访问您的数字存在,确保包容性. Email at [email protected] or request an ADA website accessibility remediation quote .

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